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利用多变量经验正交分解(MV-EOF)等方法,研究了在季节变化尺度上南海季风系统的时空分布特征。结果表明:南海夏季风的爆发时间在1993—1994年前后存在显著的年代际转型,由爆发偏晚转变成爆发偏早。第一模态表现为冬夏反位相的年周期变化,但爆发早年夏季风持续时间略长于爆发晚年,空间上都反映了南海中央海盆区的夏季强降水和850 hPa上南海北部的气旋性环流异常,但夏季风爆发早年中国华南沿海降水加强而南海南部降水偏少。相应的大范围环流场上主要反映了南海夏季风爆发后进入盛夏时节亚太地区大范围的环流特征,南海夏季风爆发偏早年索马里越赤道气流偏强,东亚季风槽位置偏北,爆发偏晚年则相反。第二模态反映了南海季风系统春秋反位相的季节变化,且秋季的振幅更强,空间降水场上对应着秋季华南沿海和南海北部与南海中南部北旱南涝的跷跷板式分布,850 hPa风场上则主要表现为异常的东北季风,该模态时空特征表明南海夏季风爆发偏早年的秋季,冬季风建立也偏早,越南及周边地区的降水偏多。相应的大范围环流场上则主要反映了冬季风的环流特征,在南海夏季风爆发偏早年的秋季,菲律宾以东的热带对流减弱,PJ波列增强,爆发晚年则相反。  相似文献   
基于坝上草原地区30个采样点表土花粉分析和植被调查的研究结果显示,花粉组合以蒿属、藜科、禾本科、菊科和莎草科等草本植物为主,基本能够反映草原植被特征,但花粉百分比与其在植被中盖度差异明显.运用Extended R-Value(ERV)模型估算的坝上草原区相关花粉源范围大致为2100m,当风速大于3.5m/s时,基本稳定,受风速影响不大.估算的相对花粉产量结果显示,蒿属和藜科的相对花粉产量最高,为禾本科的20倍左右;其次为莎草科和菊科,为禾本科的7~9倍;百合科略高于禾本科;旋花科、豆科、唇形科及委陵菜属的相对花粉产量则明显低于禾本科.利用相对花粉产量对花粉与植被关系的校正结果表明:蒿属、藜科的校正效果明显,其相对花粉产量可以作为定量重建古植被的参考;莎草科、菊科、百合科和唇形科由于受植被和花粉数据梯度限制,其相对花粉产量能否用于植被与花粉关系的校正有待通过更多植被群落调查进一步证实;其他花粉类型由于在花粉组合中含量多低于5%,所以在校正花粉与植被关系时的作用不明显.  相似文献   
The key to studying urban sustainable development depends on quantifying stores, efficiencies of urban metabolisms and capturing urban metabolisms′ mechanisms. This paper builds up the metabolic emergy account and quantifies some important concepts of emergy stores. Emphasis is placed on the urban metabolic model based on the slack based model(SBM) method to measure urban metabolic efficiencies. Urban metabolic mechanisms are discussed by using the regression method. By integrating these models, this paper analyzes the urban metabolic development in Beijing from 2001 to 2010. We conclude that the metabolic emergy stores of Beijing increased significantly from 2001 to 2010, with the emergy imported accounting for most of the increase. The metabolic efficiencies in Beijing have improved since the 2008 Olympic Games. The population, economic growth, industrial structures, and environmental governance positively affect the overall urban metabolism, while the land expansion, urbanization and environmentally technical levels hinder the improving of urban metabolic efficiencies. The SBM metabolic method and the regression model based on the emergy analysis provide insights into the urban metabolic efficiencies and the mechanism. They can promote to integrate such concepts into their sustainability analyses and policy decisions.  相似文献   
Based on remote sensing and GIS techniques, land use maps in 2000, 2005 and 2010 in China′s coastal zone were produced, and structural raster data of land use were further generated to calculate land use intensity comprehensive index(LUICI) for analyzing land use spatial-temporal characteristics at 1 km scale. Results show that: 1) from the perspective of spatial patterns of landforms at a macro scale, there is a significant difference in land use intensity between the north and the south of China′s coastal zone. Hotspots of changes mainly concentrated in metropolitan areas, estuaries and coastal wetlands; 2) elevation is an important factor that controlling land use spatial patterns at local scale. Land use intensity is much higher within areas below the elevation of 400 m and it decreased significantly as the elevation increasing; 3) there is a significant land-ocean gradient for land use intensity, which is low in island and near-shore areas, but high in the regions that 4–30 km far away the coastline because of much intensive human activities; however, in recent decades land use intensity had been promoted significantly in low near-shore area due to extensive sea reclamations; 4) significant differences of land use intensity were also found among provincial administrative units. A rising trend of land use intensity was found in provincial-level administrative units from 2000 to 2010. To sum up, elevation, land-ocean gradient, socio-economic status and policy are all influencing factors to the spatial patterns and temporal variations of land use intensity in China′s coastal zone.  相似文献   
Habitat plays a critical role in regulating fish community structure. Using the data collected from a monthly trammel net survey in Ma’an archipelago off the east coast of China, we evaluated impacts of five different habitats(artificial reefs, mussel farms, cage aquaculture, rocky reefs and soft bottom) on fish assemblages. This study suggests that artificial reefs(AR) have significantly higher species richness, abundance and diversity than mussel farms(MF) or soft bottom(SB) habitats during most seasons, and that fish taxa in the AR habitats are similar to those in the rocky reef(RR) habitats. Two different fish assemblage patterns were revealed in the study area using non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination: an assemblage dominated by reef fishes(especially by Scorpaenidae species) in AR, RR and cage aquaculture(CA) habitats and an assemblage dominated by Sciaenidae species in MF and SB habitats. We suggest that reef fishes play a key role in differentiating fish community structures in the study area. Although few differences in fish abundance and diversity were found between the CA and SB habitats, a more diverse age structure was observed in the CA habitats. A much more complex fish assemblage and enhanced population of local species were established as a result of the presence of both floating and fixed artificial structures, probably through improved survival rates.  相似文献   
Geological disasters will happen in cold regions because of the effects of freeze-thaw cycles on rocks or soils, so studying the effects of these cycles on the mechanical characteristics and permeability properties of rocks is very important. In this study,red sandstone samples were frozen and thawed with 0,4, 8 and 12 cycles, each cycle including 12 h of freezing and 12 h of thawing. The P-wave velocities of these samples were measured, and the mechanical properties and evolution of the steady-state permeabilities were investigated in a series of uniaxial and triaxial compression tests. Experimental results show that, with the increasing of cyclic freeze-thaw times, the P-wave velocity of the red sandstone decreases. The number of freeze-thaw cycles has a significant influence on the uniaxial compressive strength, elastic modulus, cohesion, and angle of internal friction. The evolution of permeability of the rock samples after cycles of freeze-thaw in a complete stress-strain process under triaxial compression is closely related to the variation of the microstructure in the rock. There is a highly corresponding relationship between volumetric strain and permeability with axial strain in all stages of the stress-strain behaviour.  相似文献   
提出采用"自适应换站"法来解决单基线处理模式难以满足长距离动态定位的问题。该方法的主要思想是:整个解算过程始终保持单基线的动态定位模式,当发现流动站与原参考站间的距离大于流动站与其他参考站间的距离时,自动更换周围最近的参考站作为新参考站;对换站前后的数据设置一定时间的重叠段,利用等价消参法将换站前后的数据进行严格的自适应融合,以保持整个解算过程的连续性。通过对实测机载数据的解算,证明该方法不仅可以克服因载体飞行距离过远而导致的定位精度下降,而且能够避免因换站所引起的前后解的不连续,计算结果表明该方法的定位精度约为2 cm。  相似文献   
本博士论文在前人构建的陆面水文过程模型TOPX和区域气候模式RIEMS的耦合模式的框架基础上,针对耦合模式中RIEMS对降水和蒸散发的模拟精度较低,RIEMS和TOPX模式之间尺度不匹配等几个核心问题进行了深入细致的研究:对天气雷达资料的定量估测降水方面的研究获得了对沂沭河流域最佳的Z-R关系,并通过雷达雨量计联合校正法得到较高精度的面降雨量;采用集合卡尔曼滤波同化算法对雷达反演的面雨量及区域气候模式RIEMS的降水输出进行了数据同化方案研究,获得了更好的降水模拟效果;在RIEMS和水文模型TOPX构成的耦合模型中加入同化方案,实现了流域降水的实例模拟研究,结果表明使用同化方案明显改善了水文模拟效果。  相似文献   
摘要:超高阶次(如2000阶次)缔合勒让德函数值的递推计算,在接近两极时达到极大的数量级(超过10的数千次方),这导致现有递推方法在计算缔合勒让德函数值及其导数值时失效。我们通过插入压缩因子技术,提出一个修改的递推算法,并结合使用Horner求和技术计算球谐级数的部分和。试验表明,该算法至少可以计算到3600完全阶次的球谐级数式,优于现有结果。  相似文献   
精密单点定位PPP是当前GNSS高精度定位中的关键技术之一,使用的PPP采用扩展卡尔曼滤波估计,未知参数包括站点坐标,接收机钟差,对流层延迟以及虚拟未知数。在QR奇偶检校法的基础上,重点考察设计矩阵向量间的相关距离,将其作为粗差探测和识别的研究对象。通过向量相关距离时间序列,可以区分单个粗差和多个粗差的粗差集。提出精密单点定位的RAIM算法,解决了精密单点定位中的质量控制问题,使得多个粗差的识别更加清晰和快捷。  相似文献   
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